

Departamento Física de Neutrones

Centro Atomico Bariloche

Jose Rolando Granada

images/granada_150.jpg Dr. Rolando Granada is a researcher at CNEA since 1974. He has worked in experimental and theoretical studies of the interaction of neutrons with condensed matter, and in management positions at Centro Atomico Bariloche and CNEA. His recent activity has been dedicated to the study and description of the neutronic properties of advanced neutron moderators for new concepts of cold and ultra-cold neutron sources. Dr. Granada is professor (Profesor Titular) at Instituto Balseiro, were he taught courses in Physics and Nuclear Engineering and directed 11 PhD theses. Dr. Granada has been designeted Scientific Director of the CNEA Project ""Laboratorio de Uso de Haces de Neutrones del Reactor RA-10" (Laboratory for the use of neutron beams at the RA-10 reactor).


2004: Master du Gestion du Risque, Universite de Plotiers, Francia.

2003: Specialist on Environmental Risk Management, Universidad del Comahue.

1980: Phd. in Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

1973: MsC. in Physics, Instituto Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.

Selected Publications

  • "Slow-neutron scattering by molecular gases: A synthetic scattering function". J.R. Granada. Phys. Rev. B31, 4167 (1985).
  • "Neutron cross sections and thermalization parameters using a synthetic scattering function. II: Applications to H2O, D2O and C6H6". J.R.Granada, V.H. Gillette and R.E.Mayer. Phys. Rev. A36, 5594 (1987).
  • "A New Thermal Neutron Scattering Kernel for Liquid Hydrogen" J.R. Granada and V.H. Gillette Physica B 348, 6 (2004).
  • "Synthetic Scattering Kernel for solid methane in phase II" J.R. Granada Nucl.Instr.Meth. B 266, 164 (2008).
  • "Compact extended model for Doppler broadening of neutron absorption Resonances" Alejandro J. Villanueva and J. R. Granada Annals of Nuclear Energy 36, 723 (2009)
  • "Neutron Scattering Kernel for solid Deuterium" J.R. Granada Eur.Phys.Lett. 86 (2009) 66007.
  • "CAB Models for Water: A New Evaluation of the Thermal Neutron Scattering Laws for Light and Heavy Water in ENDF-6 format" J.I. Márquez Damian, J.R. Granada and D.C. Malaspina. Ann. Nucl. Energy 65, 280 (2014)


ResearchGate Profile

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Informacion de contacto

Departamento Física de Neutrones
Centro Atomico Bariloche
Avda. E.Bustillo km 9500
S. C. de Bariloche
Pcia. de Rio Negro · Republica Argentina

Tel: 0054 0294 444 5216
